In 2018, Fidele and I were living in Altoona, Pa. We received an invitation from the ECC (National Counsel of Protestant Churches in Congo) to travel to Congo to monitor the national election. During our time in Congo the decision was made to make DRC our permanent residence, and to take over the operation and expansion of TUBA. In the months that followed thousands of hectares (1 ha = 2.4 acre) of abandoned farmland were acquired. Partnerships with local farmers’ unions were established, and 170 men and women were employed in the preparation for clearing and planting 26 ha of the land for the first growing season.
Roads Infrastructures mainly in rural areas are underfunded.
It took us more than 12 hours to travel 45 miles distance in between Kikwit the Capital city of Kwilu province and Malela the outskirt to visit our corn farm.
We are discussing opportunities to build partnerships for public-private roads with the ministry of rural development. This partnership Public-Private will include roads Infrastructures rehabilitation around Kikwit.