Collective Security and Individual Liberty

Collective Security and Individual Liberty the New African Union Challenges and Opportunities.

African Union under the DRCongo leadership in 2021. 
As of today, February 6, 2021, two years after coming to power in Congo (Dec 2018), President Felix Tshisekedi will lead the African Union. 
This historic event is happening after 25 years of DRC’s absence at the top position of chairmanship of this continental organization. 
There are challenges to face, and there are also opportunities to be realized. Among the greatest challenges is the growing number of skilled, intelligent, creative youths living in a state of hopelessness, homelessness, and helplessness. 
The Information Technology Revolution will create the greatest opportunity to meet the challenge. By using satellite imaging technology to identify and track terrorists and their organizations in regions throughout Africa–including the Eastern Congo, the horn of Africa, West Africa, and the Sahel—skilled youths will find jobs, homes, opportunity, and purpose.
Smartphones have the capacity to allow us to access data captured from outer space, which are then analyzed and processed in real time. These same satellite technologies can support sustainable development by providing us with much-needed data on upcoming rainfalls and temperature variations, as well as land degradation, illegal resource extraction, illegal activity, epidemiology, and crop yields. This data also helps development actors and governments make informed decisions about policies and programming and use their resources more efficiently. Satellite-based telecommunications can assist emergency teams during disaster response, military and police of the regions facing gang crime and terroristic threat, and help track access to health and education facilities.
Funding will target entrepreneurs—skilled African youth, both male and female—interested in creating jobs and markets in the areas of developing and manufacturing satellites, their components, and applications; satellite system wiring and installation; computer engineering to coordinate, monitor, and collect satellite data; telecommunications operations; troubleshooting technicians; system performance monitoring and signal testing; fiber optics technology; and much more. 
Development will encourage African youth to pursue trade and educational opportunities, while advancing the security and success of their particular countries. Crime, terrorism, and extremism will decrease as ingenuity mushrooms. Desperation and despair will be replaced with hope as a plan is actualized.


August 2020 Update

TUBA and women farmers

$ 150,000 is the amount that All United To Build, TUBA in acronym, needs to move 100 households in Kikwit and its surroundings from the state of endemic vulnerabilities towards empowerment. We invest in Agribusiness & Innovation. Our short and medium term result is the production of basic / improved seeds and their distributions. In the long term TUBA aims to empower 100 peasant women from Kikwit and make them entrepreneurs.

Hippo Story

Author: Leah Renée Lumeya

Since moving to Cite du Fleuve, Kinshasa last September I had heard rumors that two or three hippopotamuses visit the grassy banks along the river very close to our home. It was difficult for me to image that they would come to an area so heavily populated with people and industry. As a photographer, animal lover, and person concerned about the preservation of wildlife I scanned the waterways daily in hope that the rumors were true.  One March evening just at dusk I walked around the building across the road from our home and found myself staring at a huge hippo not 15 meters in front of me.

I have seen, photographed and recorded hippos on five occasions. I have been able to identify two individuals. Through conversations with employees of Cite Du Fleuve, neighbors, and others I have begun gathering stories and information about the hippos. I have come to realize that they hold the status of celebrity in this community and are much loved.

People in the neighborhood often come to get me when the hippos are seen out eating on the bank. On one occasion I arrived at the spot just as the hippo was going down the bank to enter the water. Across the water, on the far bank, people had lined up and were chanting, dancing, and singing. There were many children among those gathered. One of the men standing nearby explained to me that the people are the Mongo people. They are from Equator in Northern Congo. The river is their life. They believe in reincarnation, and that their ancestors come back as hippos. They also believe that they can communicate with the river animals. This particular hippo they called Koko (Grandfather). They were calling him with the chants and songs. They were saying “Grandfather, come out and say hello to your Mongo grandchildren”. Amazingly, the hippo did not seem to be afraid of them. In fact he went closer to them (still in the water) as they called to him and chanted. Though the hippo never left the water it tarried not far off the bank for nearly an hour before moving back into the deeper water of the river. The relationship between the animal and the humans was evident, and beautiful.

Since that day I have heard similar stories about hippos in Bulungu, Kwilu Province, and in other areas. As I continue to observe these animals and the mystery that surrounds them, I have hope that the respectful relationship will continue for many generations.

TUBAkwilu agricultural Season B

” Tous Unis pour Bâtir,TUBAkwilu Saison B. Nous remercions nos 100 volontaires sur nos 4 sites pour avoir commencer la saison B selon le calendrier agricole. Nous plantons 25 ha de Mbwengi et Soya”

All United together for Community Building, TUBAkwilu agricultural Season B. We thank our 100 volunteers on our 4 sites for having started season B according to the agricultural calendar.  We are planting 25 ha of Mbwengi and Soya ”

Malela: help for christian women is needed in order to keep them away from forced sex slavery

Malela: kana nge ke na machine a coudre ou $120 sadisa bana ba nkento yayi ya Malela. Machine mosi kaka ke na bwala yayi pour 20 bana ba nkento ya ke zo longuka kutunga. Bo ke kuisaka awa kansi kima kusala kele ve.  Kana kisalu kele ve mingi ke na kukatuka sa na kuenda na ba mbanza ya nene kusosa “lujingu”. 

ces groupes des femmes travaillent avec TUBA mais aspirent a devenir couturieres. Il n’ ya qu une machine pour 20 qu’elles sont. Nous avons besoins des dons en nature comme une machine a coudre ou plus. Avec seulement  $120 nous pouvons avoir une machine a coudre. Avoir de l’emplois va les aider a eviter la prostitution et a attrapper le SIDA et les MSTs.

These women 20 of them works at TUBA agribusiness this is a seasonal work. They want to learn to be a seamstress but the village has one sewing machine. We are asking for more sewing machines or $120 donations to help create jobs for them but also to keep those vulnerable for moving to the city where they are forced to prostitution and or HIV or STDs.

TUBA Volunteers

Youth unemployment in rural areas leads to poverty. 

Where there is no jobs we teach our youth to volunteer.

Unemployment in Kikwit is higher as else where in DRC and this leads to more youth moving else where.