Project name: Building a Safe and Healthy School Environment
Millions of children and adults across the DR Congo spend their days in school buildings. Many of these buildings are dire need of repair or replacement. Students need a safe, healthy environment in which to learn & thrive.
TUBA has begun a staged project to improve the school environment in Kafumba and Malela.
Stage 1: Build desks
Currently, students sit on the dirt floor, or on wooden poles. They sit with backs bent as they write on the floor or with a tablet balanced on the pole before them…. all day long.
Stage 2: Erect a common/community building in Malela.
This will provide a secured area to store the the desks when not in use. It will also provide an area for school assemblies & meetings, vocational classes for older students, and community and church functions.
Stage 3: Repair and/or replace school buildings.
TUBA has submitted this project to funding agencies,
Stage 4: Provide books and materials for students.
A large number of students complete the required 12 years without ever having a text book, or access to any book. Information is written on a blackboard and students copy it and take notes.
Stage 1: Desks
Implementing Agency: TUBA
Locations: Kafumba and Malela
Province: Kwilu
Country: DR Congo
Cost: $30,000
Number: 600 desks
Period: 2021
Need: partners.
Cost: 50$/ desk (2-3 students per desk